Capital Campaigns… Campaigns with attitude!

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

Philanthropy flourishes

Capital Campaigns turn dreams into reality and enable you to raise serious money.
Looking to take the plunge?

Capital campaigns are often viewed by professionals in the field as the flagship of the fundraising fleetUntil recently we would have agreed with this motherhood statement, however going forward, it is our belief that endowment initiatives will hold this title over the coming decade. That doesn’t mean capital appeals will fall of the tree (so to speak) however, a new flagship will take first place!

Anyhow, coming back to capital campaigns…recent conversations got us thinking about FAQs. Four frequently asked questions follow.

Q.How is a capital campaign different to a major gift program?

A.Capital Campaigns have firm deadlines and a specific purpose; a dedicated belief in the value of ‘in-person’ presentation and asks donors to be extra generous. Generally, we are talking six, seven, eight-figure goals: often for building or ‘capital works’ but it may also be for other purposes such as to establish an endowment fund, to underpin future growth, fund scholarships or to fund a community program.

Q. Do capital campaigns benefit from leadership involvement?

A.Absolutely…yes!However, not all campaigns have access to volunteer leadership to help drive the process forward. For many organisations, recruiting volunteer leaders forms part of the establishment phase of the campaign. The debatable question is…can you conduct a capital campaign without leadership involvement?Sure you can, there are many successful examples.

Q.What makes a capital campaign successful?

A.Creating a successful capital campaign is rather like cooking a winning dish on Masterchef where a unique blend of quality ingredients, combined with the passion to produce something irresistible! above all is commitment and dedication.

Q.Is there anything we need to do before embarking on a campaign?

A.We recommend conducting a scoping exercise (aka Feasibility Study) before launching a significant campaign. Take 4 to 8 weeks to examine your campaign goals, organisational capacity, risks, key environmental factors and actively consult current supporters, prospective donors, committee members, patrons and other influencers. Insights and learnings will help you design a campaign that minimises wasted resources and maximises contributions.

Experience, knowledge and honest evaluation are a magic combination with the power to expand horizons, drive innovation and unlock hidden potential

The potential rewards of a capital campaign can make it tempting to jump straight in as soon as an opportunity presents itself. However, a capital campaign is a major undertaking that requires a level of resources, time, energy and commitment that your organisation may not have. So, how do you know if you organisation is capital campaign ready? The simple answer is a fundraising feasibility study - a tool used by fundraisers all around the world to determine readiness and maximise opportunities for success.

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